In the watering section, we discussed the benefits of allowing air to be present in the soil. Without air in the soil, the grass cannot take up water even if it is present. There are many ways to add air to the soil such as soaking and drying out the soil, slicing, spiking, and Core Aeration. Of the mechanical means except for proper watering, Core Aeration is best. This process improves fertilizer uptake, increases drainage, improves rooting, reduces soil compaction, increases thatch breakdown, and improves drought tolerance.
We found that Core Aeration can also break the pre-emergence barriers and increase weed problems. For this reason, we will be offering Core Aeration between the Fall and Winter
pre-emergence applications only. We recommend Core Aeration at this time because it will not interfere with weed control and it will help in the thatch management process. This is an additional service we offer.